Fashion For The Next Generation

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10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe

Although shoes are a necessity, many designers consider them an art- that’s why over 200 shoe designers displayed their shoe art in Germany at the Grassi Museum. Most of the shoes are un-wearable or walkable, however many people (women in particular) where very curious to see these unique ‘weird’ shoes that are worth quite a lot. The exhibition contained some of the most weird shoes you have ever seen, such as animal foot shape, irregular shapes, cake shoes and a lot more. I consider these shoes fun to look at, but never to buy. I mean who would actually spend any money buying something you will never wear. I have brought together the top ten pictures that show you all what this cool exhibition looked like.

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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe
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The Art of Footwear: 10 Weird Shoes You Wont’t Believe

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